The only requirement is that you do not delete your current web hosting account until your new one with us is set up. Follow the steps below to ensure ZERO downtime and continued business from your website.

Moving / Transferring from other Web Host (ZERO DOWNTIME!)


  • Establish a hosting account with us. You will then be able to access your new account via the server's hostname that you will get on your setup email. Start uploading your website files to your domain folder through FTP or any other site publishing software (FrontPage, Dreamweaver, HomeSite, etc.)
  • In your welcome email, you will get a temporary link to access your NEW web site before anything goes live. Verify that everything is working on your NEW site (graphics, web pages, links, etc.)
  • Once verified, go to your registrar and change your "name servers" to those that are mentioned in your setup email.
  • Your site will be updated WORLDWIDE within 24-72 hours. Note: although you may be able to see your site on the new server within possibly 12 hours, please allow a complete 72-hour cycle before you delete your old host.
  • Enjoy your new site @ XeonBD. If you have any problems during the transfer, please have a touch with our TECHNICAL SUPPORT department through our ticketing system what you've done so far, and we'll help you finish it all up! EVEN IF YOU DO IT RIGHT, drop us a line and let us know that you love the speed!

If you already bought a domain name and want to host with us:


  • First step is to establish a web hosting account with us. Start by ordering any of our web hosting plans.
  • After the payment is verified, you will receive a setup email within 30 seconds with all the usernames / passwords to grant you server access via your assigned server hostname. Proceed to upload your files to the server via the server's hostname. MAKE SURE YOU PUT EVERYTHING IN YOUR DOMAIN FOLDER and MAKE SURE YOU RENAME YOUR HOMEPAGE "index.html", ALL LOWER CASE. Then use the temporary link provided in the email to view your site.
  • Once you have everything verified, return to the place where you originally registered your domain (your registrar).
  • In your setup email(s) there will be a pair of DNS or Nameservers. Use those DNS to change them for your domain. If you don't have a domain control panel (that is where you usually make these changes) please email your registrar or call and tell them to change your name servers to those provided to you in your setup email from us.
  • After the DNS changes have been made, your domain will now begin to point to your server with Host Department. This will take 24-72 hours to resolve worldwide as every ISP updates their DNS at different times.
  • If after 48 hours you cannot access your domain via, please do a whois on your domain HERE to make sure your name servers show up as those provided in your setup email. If they do not, call your registrar right away to get it corrected!

Want to transfer your domain name to XeonBD as your domain registrar?


You already have a domain that you registered somewhere else and you want to move the domain itself physically to us and get hosting to keep everything in one place?

  • First step is to go to our clients management website and click on Transfer Domain option under the ORDER option.
  • Type in the domain you want to transfer to us.
  • Please make sure the admin contact email is an active email because an email will be sent to this address to approve the transfer. You can find out the email address by doing a WHOIS HERE. If you need to update the email address, please go to where you registered the domain and make the changes.
  • If you ask, the domain still has 6 months or 2 years left before it expires, will I lose those? The answer is NO you will not, as when you do this transfer it will add one year on TOP of the current expiration date! So just add one year to its expiry date now!
  • Once you have processed this, keep a look out for an email, approve it and wait for about 24-48 hours for the whole process to complete. If you have already approved the email and in the domain control panel you see the process is incomplete, contact your registrar and ask them why they haven't released it.
  • While all this is happening, feel free to buy your hosting plan and upload all your files to the server. Remember once you order hosting, you have immediate access to the server via the server's hostname.
  • If you don't want to move your domain to us, you don't have to. All you have to do is modify your DNS with the steps above. But remember that your domain will expire at some point so it is wiser to add years to the domain and not wait until the last minute and risk losing your domain!
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