Log into Web Host Manager (WHM).
In order to create new accounts, you must first set up plan packages.
Packages are preset by yourself (the admin) for limitations on webspace, bandwidth, email accounts, etc.
Creating Your Package
1) Under packages, click on "Add a New Package".
This is where you will name the package and set limitations.
You can create as many packages as you see fit.
2) Once you have all of your parameters set, click on the "Create" button.
Adding the New Domain
1) Under "Account Functions" click on "Create a New Account".
2) Key in your domain (exclude the "www"), username and password.
3) Keep in mind that usernames are unique per server and that all passwords need to be 8 characters or less.
4) Select the appropriate account that you deem fit.
5) Click on the "Create" button.
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